What's the Difference Between Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

What's the Difference Between Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

Pleura Mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma. Pleura is nothing but a thin membrane that lies between the chest cavity and the lungs. They prevent the lungs from friction with the chest wall by providing a lubricated surface. So, therefore pleural mesothelioma is also referred to as lung cancer.

Another common form of this cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma. This peritoneal membrane helps in the organ enclosure in the abdomen. Although peritoneal mesothelioma is less common than pleural mesotheloma, they are more invasive and can reduce the patient's life expectancy. Mesothelioma has previously been found in the abdominal and abdominal areas.
Understanding the treatment process is a must for patients after diagnosis. Oncologists or doctors will provide more information about the various treatments available. Knowledge of your rights is also very important. If you are diagnosed with an asbestos related cancer or mesothelioma in particular, you are most likely affected by asbestos. Manufacturers always know of asbestos insulation devices available however they decided not to disclose information that asbestos is so dangerous. So if you have become a victim of a productArticle Search, you have the right of recovery to the manufacturer which can further help in reducing the medical expenses and provide little if not full compensation for your suffering.

All the difference in the world in medication can be done by choosing the right doctor that suits you. Doctors with a good international reputation on the works in mesothelioma patients should be selected. A checklist has been provided by the American Cancer Society on what questions your doctor before that can help you to get the right doctor or other opinion.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment and Information - A Different Types

peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the stomach and is a rare form of malignant cancer that affects a smaller number of people than pleural mesothelioma. the peritoneum consists of two parts such as the visceral peritoneum covering the internal organs and the parietal peritoneum covering the abdominal cavity.
The cells in these two layers emit fluids that help in the movement of organs in the stomach. However, if the cells become malignant it overproduces causing excess fluid in the stomach. It is widely believed that, the risk factors associated with peritoneal mesothelioma are asbestos. asbestos particles get them into the body either through consumption or inhalation and reaching the peritoneum through the lymphatic system causing malignancy in the lining of the abdominal cells.

The early signs of Peritoneal Mesothelioma include:
* Increased weight due to low food intake
* Night sweats are often accompanied by fever
* Increased abdominal circumference coupled with abdominal pain and indigestion
* Extreme fatigue, fever and anemia
Tests and Diagnosis:
Based on symptoms doctors can not confirm the presence of peritoneal mesothelioma but apply to medical investigations ranging from x-rays to MRI CT scans. these tests and imaging studies help in the detection of diseases and also helps in knowing the stage and metastasis of cancer.
But, it is a biopsy that ultimately confirms the disease-either a liquid aspiration biopsy or tissue biopsy. If the cancer is detected early it helps to heal faster because as cancer progresses to relieve mesothelioma peritoneal cancer cells attack other body parts as well.

Method of treatment:
The disease is very difficult to diagnose at an early stage. One approach is intra-peritoneal chemotherapy. In this method of treatment, after surgery, the drug is induced directly into the abdomen. In some cases, radiation therapy is performed to shrink the tumor before surgery.

But, it is a Cytoreductive operation called debulking done. Although surgery is considered the first line of treatment but not performed for all patients. If the patient's physical health fails, surgical operations weaken. In this case, it is the palliative approach that works best. This therapy, only works to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients with chemotherapy drugs.

High energy radiation is also used to treat peritoneal mesothelioma, but is not used alone. radiation therapy is mostly followed by surgery and the use of palliative chemotherapy drugs.

Latest progress:
There are ongoing clinical trials and experiments such as immunotherapy of theArticle Submission, gene therapy and the use of antiangiogenesis medications to treat cancer. the multi-modalities approach often proves useful in certain cases and intracavit chemotherapy and radiation therapy is the subject of further research and examination.